Simplify document verification
Pain became clearly visible in the pandemic, verification of personal documents is a two-step process: the holder has to present the document itself AND an official ID.
This is a very inconvenient, slow and cumbersome procedure that some people are reluctant to comply. And the numbers for such ephemeral or short-lived personal documents is rapidly increasing, e.g. for festivals, sports events, e-tickets and many more.
What if we’re creating a radical new procedure to simplify this inefficient and privacy-intrusive verification process?
Deniz & Markus

Simply, storing all personal document data together with a face image in one printable code.
Digitally signed and tamper-proof.
Do you believe that this code contains a face image in Biometric Passport quality, and additional verification data? It does.

“My JABface code contains all I need. I don’t have to worry about my ID anymore.”
— Deniz, Co-Founder
Privacy by Design
Everybody’s talking about it. We live it.
Let the document holders bring their identity in their JABface code.
There’s no need to store identity data somewhere else.
This reduces costs, liabilities and reputational risks.

“No face images need to be stored in the cloud.
— Markus, Co-Founder
That’s the kind of privacy I like.”

Simplified Verification
Just one code (1) enables human-visual (2) and biometric verification (3).
Supports mobile handheld verification solutions as well as gate access installations.

“Combining convenience and privacy, this is how it works for me.”
— Jay
Get in Touch
Being curious about YOUR feedback, questions and requirements!
5 responses to “JABface® Technology”
Es ist so spannend Euren Weg mitzuverfolgen… von einer coolen Idee über die Gründung der Monkeyfirst… und wie es wohl weiter geht…?! Herzlichen Glückwunsch und weiterhin viel Erfolg!
Gratulation zu den Fördergeldern und zum tollen Video. Einfach und verständlich erklärt, welchen Kurs ihr einschlägt. Da wären wir natürlich gerne an Board.
Wow, sieht super aus, viel Erfolg! Tolles Video :-). Sagt Bescheid, wenn ich Euch irgendwie helfen kann. Kann man Euren code eigentlich auch ausdrucken?
Hallo Sandra, vielen Dank für Deinen Comment. Ja klar, unseren Code kann man drucken, egal auf was, Papier, Karton, you name it. Du kannst auch Screenshots machen und teilen wenn Du möchtest, dh Du musst den Code nicht einmal in einer bestimmten App zeigen, sondern kannst ihn zB auch in Deiner Lieblingswallet App verwenden. Viele Grüsse, Markus
Cool idea. Having in mind the Super League and concerts with 87k visitors like Ed Sheeran’s in Wembley this can really work!
Looking forward to hearing more from you, guys! Go on…